With the intention of making BiMat fully available to anybody, a fully functional port BiMat-oct was developed for Octave too.



  • Octave Ver 4.0. Unfortunately because previous versions of Octave lack the classdef constructor, BiMat-oct can not be used in such versions.

  • Additional build in Octave packages. The following lines install them from the octave port:
    • >>cd C:\octave\Octave-4.0\src
    • >>build_packages
    • >>pkg rebuild -auto io
    • >>pkg rebuild -auto statistics

  • Recommended: Windows 7. BiMat-oct was tested in both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. While in Windows 7 we never observe a crash of the Octave GUI, under Windows 8.1 we observe a lot of crashes during figure plotting. The reason appears to be that Octave 4.0 is not fully stable on Windows 8.x. However the user can still perform statistical analyses under this version of Windows.


For installing BiMat-oct you can follow the same instructions than the original version BiMat. That is, the user only needs to add the BiMat-oct directory to Octave search path.

Important differences between the Matlab and the Octave versions

Some important differences BiMat-oct with the original BiMat version are:

  • Bimat-oct use strings instead of function handles when passing functions as arguments. For example an argument of the type @NestednessNTC need to be transformed to 'NestednessNTC' when using a function that uses such argument.
  • Because documentation in octave does not follow the same convention than in MATLAB, documentation in BiMat-oct can not be acceded from the octave prompt.
  • As the code was optimized to run in MATLAB, some of the code will run slower in the Bimat-oct.


Similar to BiMat, the user can execute all the examples in this website and on the start guide by running the scripts on the examples directory of BiMat-oct. These scripts include the change of function handlers to strings mentioned above.